✓ All your blood results came up "normal". 💡Tip: For more information on using this tool, check out the Revolve bodies and Helixes tutorials on our website.I've developed an "algorithm" for diagnosing conditions where you are at a dead end, where doctors tell you: If using a keyboard, type a value when the distance dimension label is highlighted.Select the linear arrows or distance dimension label to enter a value using the numpad.Drag the linear arrows to define the height dynamically.

Adjust the height for the revolve using these techniques.You can use the numpad calculator to type 360 x 'number of revolutions' to create the necessary angle value. Note: Every 360° equals a complete revolution of the helix. Helical bodies are created by defining a height value within the Revolve tool. Note: When using Revolve from the adaptive menu, select an empty area of the grid to complete the tool. If necessary, adjust the height for the revolve to create a helical shape (see Creating helical bodies).If using a keyboard, type a value when the angle dimension label is highlighted.Select the arc arrows or angle dimension label to enter a value using the numpad.Drag the arc arrows to define the angle dynamically.If necessary, adjust the angle for the revolve using these techniques:.💡Tip: For other methods of accessing this tool, visit: Accessing tools. Axis - An axis, line, or linear edge element at the center of rotation for the body.

The Revolve tool rotates the profile about the axis to generate the solid geometry. The axis can be an axis of the grid, a construction axis, a sketch line, or a linear edge. The profile can be a closed sketch or a face. To create a Revolve, you will need a profile and an axis of revolution. The Revolve tool also includes a height parameter that allows you to generate shapes such as coils, springs, and threads. Some shapes that are commonly created using Revolve include cylinders, cones, spheres, or any axial symmetry, round shape. You can use the Revolve tool to create solid bodies that are symmetrical about an axis.