
Nyc subway trip planner
Nyc subway trip planner

nyc subway trip planner

To avoid confusion some locals refer to these transportation systems by their names. This guide does not apply to any of these transportation systems. With the exception of the AirTrains, these trains are also referred to as "commuter trains" because commuters from outside New York take these to commute in and out of the city on a daily basis. Other large, train-based transportation systems exist in this area that you might confuse with the New York subway include the following: While the subway system is the primary mode of transportation in New York, it is not the only transportation system in the greater metropolitan area. It essentially never closes, except for major incidents such as hurricanes. With some exceptions the whole subway system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While trains mostly run underground in Manhattan, a good portion of trains run on elevated tracks in the other boroughs. Unless noted otherwise, I mean the subway system if I just use the word train by itself. The subway is never referred to as the metro, underground, or tube. The subway system is usually just referred to as the "trains." Locals say "I can take the train to your place" to generally mean that they take the subway. The system is operated by a subsidiary of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). With some 5.5 million riders on a given weekday (before the coronvirus pandemic), it is one of the primary modes of transportation for the majority of New Yorkers and tourists. It is one of the oldest and largest public transportation systems in the world (in terms of number of stations). The subway system is the main public transportation system in New York. Before I delve into the details of how to take the trains, let me help you understand some of the basic information about the system.

Nyc subway trip planner